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LNG to Power

LNG is seen by many as an ideal way to meet the ever-increasing demands for greater energy supply and reducing energy poverty, particularly in parts of the developing world, while still addressing the concerns of climate change.

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I have a bad feeling about this… If you thought EU ETS is complicated, meet FEMREG – Europe’s new low carbon fuels law for shipping

The Fuel EU Maritime Regulation looms large as shipping companies must decide their fuel compliance strategy and submit their monitoring plans before September. Slow steaming will not be enough to make ‘shipping companies’ compliant and below we explain why.

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English courts to hear lessor claims against aircraft reinsurers despite Russian jurisdiction clause

In a recent decision, the English Commercial Court has held there to be strong reasons to override Russian jurisdiction clauses and hear the claims brought by aircraft lessors against reinsurers in the English court.

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Cuba sanctions: US government authorizes “u-turn” financial transactions

US sanctions on Cuba have been slightly eased, after the OFAC amended the CACR on May 28.

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Vietnamese Offshore Wind – Status and recent developments

This article aims to provide a high-level analysis of the offshore wind market in Vietnam, including its potential for development and regulatory framework. The authors also discuss some key issues for market participants considering entry into, or continuing engagement with, the market.

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