This article was authored jointly by WFW and leading Ghanaian law firm Kimathi and Partners.
Illegal Mining: The Global Context
Illegal mining refers to the unregulated or unauthorised extraction of valuable minerals, metals or resources from the earth. It is carried out without legal permits, outside the boundaries of regulatory frameworks, or in violation of state law as defined in UNDOC Response Framework on Illegal Mining. Drivers of illegal mining include poverty, organised crime, high global demand for minerals, lack of employment opportunities and weak enforcement of mining regulations.
Illegal mining manifests in various forms, ranging from artisanal activities to organised syndicates running large-scale operations. These activities may occur in protected areas, on private land without consent or in direct competition with legitimate mining enterprises. In many cases, illegal mining involves rudimentary and hazardous methods, endangering individuals, local communities and surrounding environments. Whilst illegal mining is often capable of providing a source of livelihood, it largely undermines sustainable development, deprives governments of vital revenue, destabilises formal mining operations and can lead to significant economic, social and environmental harm.