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Operational rules of Italy’s FER 2 Decree18 December 2024

On 11 December 2024 in a decree from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (“MASE”), the operating rules (the “Regulations”) outlined in the Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A. (“GSE”) for accessing the incentives provided for by MASE through Ministerial Decree of 19 June 2024 (“FER 2 Ministerial Decree”) were approved.

Access to the incentives provided for in the FER 2 Ministerial Decree comes through participation in competitive public procedures (i.e., auctions) in which power quotas are periodically made available.

"Access to the incentives provided for in the FER 2 Ministerial Decree comes through participation in competitive public procedures."

Procedure and calendar

Auctions are carried out online in line with principles of transparency, publicity, competitiveness and a level playing field.

Each auction includes:

  • a call for tender (public notice);
  • an MW production capacity quota for each scheduled procedure allocated among participating plants; and
  • a ranking list prepared by the GSE following the selection of projects and accounting for a possible percentage reduction in the reference tariff based on the auction and potential application of priority criteria.

The FER 2 Ministerial Decree provides for nine types of auction procedures, depending on the type of plant and its category. These include:

Table 1. Type of auction procedure

Auction procedureType of plantCategory
Procedure type ABiogasNew plants
Procedure type BSmall scale thermodynamic solar powerNew plants
Procedure type B-1Medium/large scale thermodynamic solarNew plants
Procedure type CConventional geothermal with innovationsNew plants
Procedure type C-1Geothermal with zero emissionsNew plants
Procedure type DFloating photovoltaic on inland watersNew plants
Procedure type EOff-shore floating photovoltaicNew plants
Tidal, wave and other forms of marine energy
Procedure type E-1Off-shore windNew plants
Procedure type FConventional geothermal with innovationsRefurbishment

Each auction will remain open for 60 days from the date of publication of the public call for tender on GSE’s website, with the relevant ranking lists published within 90 days following the closing date.

GSE will publish the relevant call for tender setting forth the terms, criteria and procedures for submitting a request to participate in said auction, as well as the capacity quota to be allocated, according to the following schedule:

Table 2. Power quotas and auction calendar

Application submission period
Call nr.Opening dateClosing dateType of Auction proceudrePower quota* [MW]
116/12/202414/02/2025A – biogas and biomass10
* for calls for tender subsequent to the first, the types of procedure and their available quotas will be announced by GSE no later than two months prior to the opening of each procedure.

Submission of applications

Applications to participate in auctions (the “Requests”) must be submitted, under penalty of ineligibility, solely through the FER-E portal (the “Portal”), which is accessible through GSE’s website. Under penalty of exclusion, a Request must be submitted during the opening period of the auction procedure.

To access the Portal it is necessary to register as a user on GSE’s website by entering all the information required to identify the applicable tax regime (VAT/tax code). The Portal is interoperable with the GAUDÌ system managed by Terna S.p.A. (“Terna”). Therefore, before submitting a request, a plant must be registered and validated on said system, with power values must be expressed in kW.

GSE has published further details on its website on how to use the RES-E Portal (“Guida all’utilizzo del Portale FER-E”).

(i)  When making a Request it will be necessary to:

  • fill in mandatory information relating to the plant such as, inter alia:
  • the plant’s CENSIMP code and Request Code assigned by Terna;
  • the plant’s energy source;
  • the category of intervention;
  • the nominal power of the plant; and
  • its cumulative nominal power as defined in paragraph of the Regulation;

(ii)  enter the administrative and tax data in the Preliminary Costs section; and

(iii) complete the following other sections of the Portal:

  • preliminary data (with the data relating to the plant location and connection details);
  • references (indicating the method of communication and, in the event that the applicant is a legal person, the legal representative or its proxy);
  • technical data sheet (with the data relating to the plant’s general characteristics):
  • offer (with the value of the percentage reduction offered on the reference tariff and uploading the signed offer declaration); and
  • annexes (with all the mandatory documents provided for in Annex 2.a of the Regulation for the specific type of plant and for certification of the participation requirements and priority criteria provided for by the FER 2 Ministerial Decree for the formation of the rankings).

The Declaration in lieu of affidavit pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 is automatically generated by the system based on the data inserted by the applicant. Under penalty of forfeiture, the applicant is required to sign it (either a handwritten or digital signature) and upload it to the Portal, together with the signatory’s proof of ID.  At the end of these steps, the Request can be sent and receipt of its transmission can be downloaded.

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"During the incentive period, GSE can run document checks and/or site inspections without prior notice."

Requirements to register for auctions

To be eligible to participate in auction procedures, renewable energy plants must meet the following requirements, among others:

1)  subjective requirements

a) the applicant must not be a company in financial difficulty;
b) there must be no grounds for exclusion under Art. 94 and 95 of Legislative Decree No. 36 of 31 March 2023 (“Public Contracts Code”);
c) the applicant must not be on list of companies for which a recovery order is pending as a result of a decision of the European Commission which has declared one or more incentives granted to the applicant unlawful and incompatible with the internal market;
d) solely with respect to biogas plants, the applicant must be an agricultural company (as defined in paragraph 1.2 of the Regulation); and
e) parties subject to anti-mafia verification pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 159 of 6 September 2011 must have complied with anti-mafia requirements.

2)  objective requirements

a) possession of a permit to build and operate the plant or, at the request of the producer, possession of a favourable environmental impact assessment, where applicable;
b) final accepted estimate for connection to the electricity grid;
c) pursuant to Art. 3, paragraph 4 of the FER 2 Ministerial Decree, access to the incentives is not permitted to plants that have commenced construction work prior to the publication of the ranking list (meaning the date of commencement of construction work relating to the project, as declared in the notice of commencement of works submitted to the competent authority, where applicable, or the date of the first commitment to order equipment or other commitment that renders the investment irreversible, whichever is sooner);
d) compliance with the dimensional requirements set out in Art. 3 of the FER 2 Ministerial Decree. It is understood that, for all types of energy source, the minimum power of the plant, in order for it to be eligible for the competitive procedures, must be equal to 1 kW;
e) compliance with the minimum environmental and performance requirements applicable by energy source;
f) with reference only to floating photovoltaic plants, modules must be tested and verified by accredited laboratories for specific tests in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025; and
g) with reference to tidal, wave and other forms of marine energy plants, the technical/constructive type must be specified in the authorisation title and/or in the state concession.

Percentage reduction offered on reference tariff

The FER 2 Ministerial Decree provides that, to access auction procedures, applicants must offer a percentage reduction on the relevant tariff (but not lower than 2% for plants with a power capacity higher than 300 kW). This obligation does not apply to plants with power of up to 300 kW.

The reference tariffs set forth under auction procedures are specified in Annex 1 to the FER 2 Ministerial Decree, reduced by 3% yearly, starting from 2025.

For plants with a power output up to 300 kW, such reduction shall be applied from 2026.

Ranking list for auction procedures

The ranking list is based on data provided by applicants pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic 445/2000 and is published within 90 days from the closing date of auction procedures.  No downgrading is envisaged regarding ranking lists created following applying for an auction.

The ranking lists are created by GSE, within the limits of power quotas, based on criteria of the greatest percentage reduction offered with respect to the reference tariff and, in the event of quota exhaustion, application of the following priority criteria in hierarchical order:

a. facilities built in the areas identified as suitable in implementation of Art. 20 and 23 of Legislative Decree No. 199 of 8 November 2021; and
b. earlier date of completion of the application Request.

Pending the definition of eligible areas, applicants may, if necessary, demonstrate that they meet the requirements set forth in Art. 20, paragraph 8 and Art. 23, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree No. 199 of 8 November 2021, which already identify certain areas as eligible ex lege.

Grounds for exclusion from auction procedure rankings

The circumstances that may constitute ground for exclusion are listed, by way of example but not limited to, in paragraph 3.4.1 of the Regulation. These include:

  • failure to comply with the requirements or deadlines provided for in the reference regulations, the FER 2 Ministerial Decree, the Regulation and calls for tenders;
  • non, late or underpayment of contributions to cover preliminary investigation expenses;
  • failure to sign the declaration in lieu of affidavit, or uncertainty as to the content or origin of the Request, due to lack of signature or other essential elements; and
  • failure to enclose an identity document of the signatory of the declaration in lieu of affidavit.

Waiving of useful position in the ranking list

Any waiver of the useful position obtained in the ranking list may be communicated to the GSE exclusively by means of the specific functionality available on the Portal.

Transfer of a plant prior to the participation in auction procedures

In case of transfer of ownership of a plant, even if it is a project facility, prior to participation in an auction, the following must have been transferred to the applicant at the time of application:

  • authorisation/permit title or favourable environmental impact assessment;
  • concession title for inland/maritime water or geothermal resources; and
  • estimate/offer of connection to the grid with obligation to connect third parties.

Forfeiture of the ranking list

The circumstances that can, if proved by the GSE when examining notice of entry into operation, lead to forfeiture from the ranking list are included, by way of example but not limited to, in paragraph 3.4.3 of the Regulation:

(i)  entry into operation of the plant beyond the timeframe set out in the FER 2 Ministerial Decree;
(ii)  lack of requirements, priority criteria, discrepancies or false declarations;
(iii) commencement of work prior to the date of admission to the ranking list pursuant to Art. 3, paragraph 4 of the FER 2 Ministerial Decree; and
(iv) proof of grounds for exclusion under FER 2 Ministerial Decree.

Process for evaluating Requests

Paragraph 3.5 of the Regulations summarises the process for assessing Requests in the following order:

a) verification the documentation submitted by the applicant is complete;
b) possible integration of the documentation by the applicant, carried out after verification the documentation is complete;
c) verification that the data and information provded by the applicant and that in the mandatory documentation provided per Annex 2.a of the Regulation correspond; and
d) publication of the rankings.

if it proved that, regarding a request for access incentives, the applicant has provided fake data or documents or has made false or misleading declarations, without prejudice to the recovery of any amount already unduly received, GSE will apply the provisions of Decree of the President of the Republic 445/2000.

Verifications and checks

During the incentive period, GSE can run document checks and/or site inspections without prior notice to ensure plants are compliant.

To this end, the applicant shall retain for the entire incentive period all the documentation necessary for prove the information provided is correct and shall make it available to GSE if any checks are  conducted. If at the outcome of the control procedure, any violations set forth in Annex 1 of the Ministerial Decree of 31 January 2014 are proved, GSE  will order the forfeiture of incentives on the full recovery of the amounts already paid.

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