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Planning – Permissions in Principle

This briefing discusses the new Permissions in Principle (“PIP”) consent route for small housing-led developments, providing a summary of when they can be used and their limitations, as well as some thoughts on what impact they might have in practice.

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Decreto Dignità

Approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri il 2 luglio p.v., il c.d. “Decreto Dignità” introduce misure volte a limitare l’utilizzo del contratto a termine e della delocalizzazione.

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VAT Recovery for Bid Costs

The CJEU’s Advocate General appears to widen the scope for operating companies to recover VAT on the costs of strategic takeovers.

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Double Recovery? Damages for Cargo Claims

The outcome of Sevylor Shipping v Altfadul Company held an owner liable to a bill of lading holders for its full damages claim. Read on to find out why this outcome could be difficult to reconcile with key principles of English law.

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UK Tonnage Tax: A Short Guide

Tonnage Tax has turned 18 years old. Whilst most people connected to shipping have heard of it, its purpose and how it works is not always clear to everyone who comes across it. This briefing is intended to provide a short insight into the basics of UK tonnage tax.

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