Italian “Growth Decree”
Alfredo Guacci Esposito looks at the “Growth Decree”, Law Decree n. 34, which introduces several provisions aimed at boosting the Italian economy.
Alfredo Guacci Esposito looks at the “Growth Decree”, Law Decree n. 34, which introduces several provisions aimed at boosting the Italian economy.
Partner Evangelos Catsambas looks at the English High Court’s clarification of the scope of a typical time charterparty capture/seizure/arrest clause in the context of ship piracy and its impact on the shipping community.
Our authors take a look at the UK Supreme Court’s judgment in Vedanta Resources PLC v Lungowe. The decision contains important comments on determining parent company liability and which jurisdictions substantial justice can be obtained.
The existing legal framework on residence permits has been extended to investments on intangible assets in Greece.
In a very significant decision handed down today, the English High Court has refused to enforce an adjudication decision on the basis that there was a properly arguable defence that the decision had been obtained by fraud. The case, in which WFW acted for the successful party, appears to be the first occasion on which the court has refused to order enforcement in such circumstances.
The Financial Leasing Law has the potential to provide a systematic change to the regulatory landscape surrounding finance leasing in UAE. Read more to stay updated on the matter.
Greater clarity and guidance to the construction industry has been provided regarding when a paying party which is the subject of a so called “smash and grab” adjudication may then launch a separate “true value” adjudication.
Our authors examine the various finance scenarios for scrubbers in anticipation of IMO 2020.
Our authors look at the key issues for shipowners in contracts for the acquisition, transport, installation and commissioning of scrubbers to meet IMO 2020 sulphur requirements.
Linh Doan, Michael Folsom and Edmund Poon provide some helpful guidance for understanding how Circular 02 will effect Vietnamese wind projects.