Article Archive


Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 120

The spate of adjudication decisions continues with two more cases dealing with enforcement and the binding nature of such decisions. We also discuss a Court of Appeal decision on the applicable law and jurisdiction in a tower of insurance policies and a question of procedural law in arbitration.

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The ZouZou – MII to the rescue?

The ZouZou – If the owner’s marine insurers decline cover for a total loss, will the lender’s mortgagee’s interest insurance policy come to the rescue?

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 119

We cover two adjudication decisions in the latest Commercial Disputes Weekly, as well as an application for permission to substitute an expert witness when the existing expert is no longer willing to act. In addition we discuss the Admiralty Court’s first decision on collision liability in a Precautionary Area.

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Trustworthy AI: self-assessment tools for companies

Whilst the legislative progress of the Proposal for a “European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence” continues, joint research by the universities of Bologna and Oxford has produced the first supportive tool designed to help companies comply with the pending legislation.

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