Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 79
Read the seventy ninth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
Read the seventy ninth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
Italy’s 2021 Annual Competition Law gives the Transport Regulation Authority the power to regulate ADR procedures for the transport sector, requiring a compulsory conciliation procedure be undertaken prior to any action in court.
In an article for Law360, Counsel Richard Williams discusses sustainability linked finance in aircraft finance and the impact it may have on lessors and financiers reaching net zero sooner.
In the first article in this series we discussed how Allianz Australia Insurance Limited and AWP Australia Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to seven criminal charges of misleading and deceptive conduct. In this second article, we consider the impact of the breaches and prosecution and conviction of Allianz/AWP on online platforms offering goods and services to Australian consumers.
We are back after our short break to a bumper selection of interesting cases. The latest Commercial Disputes Weekly discusses judgments on sanctions and reasonable endeavours, appropriate remedies for proprietary estoppel, Covid-19 insurance, landlord’s expenses and an attempt at using a jurisdictional Trojan Horse.
Certain provisions of the Partnerships and Companies Law under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand to be amended as not suitable for current business investment opportunities.
In this article we consider the benefits of a diverse workforce and how the construction industry can plug the diversity gap.
A recent landmark UNHRC decision in favour of eight Torres Strait islanders found that Australia had breached their human rights by failing to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
The new Italian Ministerial Decree on Biomethane has entered in force. Read our Italian briefing to check the new features introduced.
Read the seventy eighth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.