Article Archive


Sexual harassment in the workplace – new employer obligations

The UK Government recently published its response to its consultation on sexual harassment in the workplace and intends to introduce new legislation “as soon as parliamentary time allows”. At this stage, it is unclear from the Government’s Response exactly how any changes in legislation will affect current employer obligations, but employers may need to take further active steps to prevent sexual harassment.

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Will Gateway 1 Hackitt?

Gateway 1 and Fire Statements are intended to integrate thinking on fire safety as part of the planning application process, but will Gateway 1 help implement Hackitt’s recommendations or become a paper exercise?

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Court confirms two-tier system for collateral warranties

This article examines the decision Toppan Holdings Limited and another v Simply Construct (UK) LLP where the UK’s TCC has provided guidance on whether collateral warranties given on construction projects are “construction contracts” and whether an adjudication can be brought under collateral warranties.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 83

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, reminders from the Court of Appeal of the importance of the open justice principle and the consensual nature of arbitration, as well as an interesting decision on the interaction between insolvency regimes and jurisdiction clauses.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 82

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, Supreme Court success on liquidated damages clauses, three cases from the Court of Appeal on privilege issues, and an interesting update on the rules regarding trial witness statements.

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Preferred stock in the shipping sector

This article explores the increasing trend for private equity investments in the shipping sector to take the form of preferred stock in either publicly listed or private companies, rather than through establishing a joint venture with an established shipowner.

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