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Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 3423 December 2021


"With a collective company agreement employees are entitled to substitute the payment of the variable remuneration linked to kpi’s with the welfare services and benefits in the company’s basket."

New guidelines on green pass use in workplace from Privacy Officer
To simplify green pass procedures to access the workplace, an employee can submit their green pass to their employer as an alternative to daily checking via QR code. In such instances, the employer is requested to verify that the green pass is valid on a temporary basis. Said activity can be done either through automated modalities or by examining of the employee’s QR code.
Privacy Officer, Advice 13/12/2022

Green pass revoked on positive test result
If an individual tests positive for covid, their green pass is revoked and its reactivation subject to the presentation of a certificate showing they no longer have the virus. The Prime Minister has also extended to smaller businesses the INPS requirement to monitor green passes via the GreenPass50+ platform, which was previously only requested of companies with 50+ employees.
Prime Minister Decree 17/12/2021

Milan work agreement
At a conference on unemployment programmes held by Assolombarda and attended by  local  representatives of the CGIL, CISL and UIL trade unions, the Chairman of the metropolitan AFOL, the Municipality of Milan’s Works Councillor and the Lombardy Region’s General Director for Work and Training,  the discussions focussed on permanent training as a strategic measure to upskill and reskill workers’ professional capabilities. Collective company agreements can play a key role in helping achieve this by enabling the customisation of training requirements, career paths and new job roles to the specific needs of an individual business.
Assolombarda, Conference on unemployment policies 15/12/2021

Compulsory workplace health and safety training extended to business owners
Workplace health and safety and training is no longer compulsory simply for managers, but also now for business owners (employers) also (Article 37 of Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 as integrated and modified by Law Decree No. 146/2021). No later than 30/06/2022, the permanent Conference between Italian State and Regions must adopt guidelines outlining the terms and modalities of the training which employers are also now expressly required to attend. If an employer refuses to attend any compulsory training, they will be subject to the following two consequences: (i) from two to four months of prison or a fine of €1474 to€6388 and (ii) suspension of their business activities. These new measures were announced in a recent circular by the National Employment Inspectorate.
National Employment Inspectorate, Circular 09/12/2021 No. 4

Sharing covert recording of company meeting with work colleagues illegal
The covert recording of a company’s meeting by an employee with the sharing of said recording with work colleagues qualifies as illegal use of personal data.  Only the employee recording the meeting can lawfully use it to defend himself against an attempt to attack his position within the business. The use of said recording by other employees and in a claim against their employer is illegal and will result in a fine according to the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the use of personal data.
Tribunal of Venice 02/12/2021

Agreement on European partnership 2021-2027 to begin
According to the new partnership agreement between the Italian Government and Regions with the European Commission, the decision as to how the monies from permanent EU funds for the period 2021-2027 are to be used is to begin. A significant portion of the funds will be allocating to promoting training and re-employment programmes with particular emphasis on the employment of women, younger people and vulnerable individuals. The partnership agreement also reduces from 45% to 30% the required national co-financing contributions to the less developed regions  of Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily, Molise and Sardinia.
Agreement on European partnership 2021-2027