The Future of EV Charging Infrastructure

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Recent years have seen a global push toward the electrification of transport, including the deployment of electric vehicles.

In this series of articles, WFW experts from across our international network of offices will examine the latest developments in highlighted jurisdictions spanning Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Please see the links below to each article in the series, released on a weekly basis:

Introductory article

This article explore the number of common factors that governments and industry leaders need to consider in order to translate ambition into reality.


Our first country-specific article looks at Germany, where the the German government aims to have 1,000,000 fully accessible and operational charging points by 2030.

United Kingdom

In this article, we provide an overview of the main pieces of regulation governing the development of EV charging infrastructure in the United Kingdom.


The regulatory framework for EV charging has been considerably consolidated in recent years, and there has been an acceleration in the deployment of this infrastructure in France, with the market currently made up of a fairly large number of players.


Spain’s e-mobility legislative framework was significantly updated and expanded in 2022 and 2023 as the Spanish government ramped up its promotion of the decarbonisation of the transport sector to ensure the country’s energy transition targets are met between 2030 and 2050.


The regulatory framework on e-mobility in Italy is currently based on: (i) the Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of an infrastructure for alternative fuels (“DAFI”); and (ii) the National Infrastructure Plan for the recharging of electrically powered vehicles.


In Greece, e-mobility is governed by Law 4710/2020 “On the promotion of e-mobility”, which introduced a unified and thorough regulatory framework for the market that had previously been regulated in a partial and fragmented way.


The UAE and KSA are committed to achieving net zero, by 2050 and 2060, respectively. With the transport sector in both countries contributing towards carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, e-mobility will be key to achieving their net zero targets.


We highlight the nations objectives for promoting the development of electric vehicles and the aspects that will have to be considered to meet these targets.

Singapore / Indonesia

This article provides an evaluation of Indonesia’s and Singapore’s positions in Southeast Asia’s EV investment race.


This article focusses on the laws applicable in New South Wales (“NSW”) for the construction and operation of an EVC Unit.

Wrap up – key points from the series

Those following this series will have seen that there is a lot of activity across the globe in the EV charging infrastructure space. The analysis presented by our experts from across our international network has highlighted a number of common emerging themes and challenges. Follow the above link to find out what they are.

"In this series of articles, WFW experts from across our international network of offices will examine the latest developments in highlighted jurisdictions spanning Europe, the Middle East and Asia."

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