Decreto Dignità
Approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri il 2 luglio p.v., il c.d. “Decreto Dignità” introduce misure volte a limitare l’utilizzo del contratto a termine e della delocalizzazione.
Approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri il 2 luglio p.v., il c.d. “Decreto Dignità” introduce misure volte a limitare l’utilizzo del contratto a termine e della delocalizzazione.
We advised aventron AG on its acquisition of the Hochstätten wind farm
We’re pleased to have increased our fee income once again in line with our budget for 2017/18. It demonstrates the ongoing success of our integrated sector focused strategy”.
We advised OMV on the sale of two wholly-owned subsidiaries comprising its upstream exploration and production business in Pakistan to Dragon Prime Hong Kong Ltd. for an agreed consideration of €158m.
We advised Grindrod Shipping Holdings, the shipping arm of South African transportation and logistics provider Grindrod, on its spin-off from its parent and its US$320m primary listing on NASDAQ and secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
advised PB Vessels Holding Ltd on a US$325m secured revolving credit facility for the refinancing of 50 vessels.
We have further expanded our German offering with the arrival of regulatory expert Dr Felix Siebler
We advised an industry leader on their first ever maritime listing, especially given that they are set to become the Alafouzos family’s primary vehicle for tanker activities.
We are pleased to have advised CaixaBank once again on a transaction that highlights them as a major player in the renewables sector.
The CJEU’s Advocate General appears to widen the scope for operating companies to recover VAT on the costs of strategic takeovers.