Author: Richard Strockl Archive


Competition law and Covid-19 – All change or no change?

Covid-19 has created massive levels of activity by key competition authorities with contradictory effects – a huge opening up of State Aid, and a widening of potentially lawful cooperation between competitors, yet a stern warning about price-gouging and excessive pricing. This article provides a guide for business to current trends, and key compliance questions.

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Renewables in the Time of Coronavirus

In this article we explore the range of interconnected practical and legal considerations faced by European renewables projects as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Ship Finance and COVID-19

This briefing will discuss the potential effect of the COVID-19 crisis on borrowers and lenders and their English law loan facilities.

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COVID-19, Aircraft Finance and Return of the MAC?

This article reviews certain specific issues in aircraft finance transactions that borrowers and lenders should consider in light of COVID-19 and examines whether it will increase use of the material adverse change provisions.

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