Pay Less Notices and Final Accounts
What is the importance of employers serving a valid “Pay Less Notice” if they want to dispute a sum certified in a Payment Notice?
What is the importance of employers serving a valid “Pay Less Notice” if they want to dispute a sum certified in a Payment Notice?
The plant is owned by an SPV of Fri-El Group, one of Italy’s leading green energy company, active in the Italian wind sector since 2002.
Why did the UK Supreme Court’s recent decision in Taurus v SOMO highlight the commercial importance of their enforcement powers?
International law firm Watson Farley & Williams (“WFW”) advised Höegh LNG Ltd (“Höegh LNG”) on the. . .
We are delighted to have assisted longstanding client Teekay LNG in concluding further significant long-term financings for its exciting newbuilding programme in the LNG sector.
We are delighted to have assisted Teekay LNG in concluding further significant long-term financings for its exciting newbuilding programme in the LNG sector.
The plant, which is owned by Agritre S.r.l., is one of the largest operational biomass plants currently active in Italy.
Prime Capital already manages for its institutional investors a large portfolio of wind and hydro power plants in Germany and Scandinavia.
” This will help boost the industry and clean energy generally in one of the world’s fastest growing markets and nations”.
The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority recently announced a consultation on the assessment of rail franchise awards. What are the main points from the draft guidance texts?