Author: Sam Abreo Archive


Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 91

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly there are important comments from the Court of Appeal on the enforcement of adjudication awards and whether uncontroverted expert evidence must be accepted, and the Commercial Court considers the effect of breach of an ADR provision.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 90

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly look out for an interesting shipbuilding case involving the use of confidential design documents, as well as the Court of Appeal’s comments on estoppel by conduct and guidance on when an adjournment will be granted.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 89

There’s lots to discover in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, including decisions on liability for rent during the covid-19 pandemic, which time zone should be used to determine the date of discharge, and the impact of the Disclosure Pilot on pre-action disclosure applications.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 87

The Commercial Disputes Weekly returns with a number of significant recent decisions from the English courts, not least the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the existence of lawful act economic duress in English law. Plus look out for a number of decisions in the maritime sector, as well as advice on how to plead a case of estoppel by convention.

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