Author: Sam Abreo Archive


Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 86

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly see how Covid-19 has been impacting on court business, from the effect on service abroad, to the implications for commercial transactions.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 85

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly find out what the English courts had to say on the interpretation of a liquidated damages provision in a construction contract, the recovery of the costs of obtaining security in a foreign jurisdiction, and for how long an individual can be required to surrender their travel documents.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 84

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly discover whether collateral warranties in construction projects constitute construction contracts, how to determine whether a shipbuilding contract guarantee is a see to it or an on demand guarantee, and warnings on the importance of getting it right when serving and issuing proceedings. Plus the Supreme Court gives some thought to estoppel by convention.

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