Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 21
Read the twenty first edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
Read the twenty first edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
The Commercial Disputes Weekly returns with a number of significant recent decisions from the English courts, not least the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the existence of lawful act economic duress in English law. Plus look out for a number of decisions in the maritime sector, as well as advice on how to plead a case of estoppel by convention.
Read the nineteenth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
Read the eighteenth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
This article looks at the UK Commercial Court decision in BP Oil International Ltd v Vega Petroleum Ltd and another, which is a useful reminder of the English courts’ approach to contractual interpretation.
Read the seventeenth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
Read the sixteenth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly see how Covid-19 has been impacting on court business, from the effect on service abroad, to the implications for commercial transactions.
Read the fifteenth edition of our weekly update of Italian labour law.
In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly find out what the English courts had to say on the interpretation of a liquidated damages provision in a construction contract, the recovery of the costs of obtaining security in a foreign jurisdiction, and for how long an individual can be required to surrender their travel documents.