WFW advises Howden Hellas on acquisition of IYC Insurance Brokers PC
Howden Hellas is the largest insurance and reinsurance broker in Greece and Cyprus.
Howden Hellas is the largest insurance and reinsurance broker in Greece and Cyprus.
This is the second such transaction where WFW has advised Investec.
WFW assisted the seller on the contractual and corporate aspects of the transaction.
The A-List was selected based on Asia-based CBLJ’s own in-depth research.
The project will generate around 42 GW per year and will be managed by Stern Energy
With a total capacity of 1,075 MW, Seagreen is the largest offshore wind farm in Scotland as well as the world’s deepest fixed bottom wind farm.
Karine has over 20 years’ experience advising clients on a broad range of French employment law matters.
The sustainability-linked margin adjustment targets in the loan tie in with Air France’s sustainability goals.
The Butendiek offshore wind farm comprises 80 wind turbines with a total rated output of 288 MW.
This major bank financing enables RIVE to grow its rail sector business and activity.