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Investing into the German Renewable Market17 February 2021

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Event details

  • 17 February 2021
  • 11:00 – 12:30 CET / 10:00 – 11:30 GMT
  • Online webinar
Watson Farley & Williams and enervis are delighted to invite you to our joint webinar on “Investing into the German Renewable Market: Introduction to the Market and Regulatory Framework for Wind and Solar”.

In this webinar, WFW Partners Dr Christine Bader and Dr Maximilian Boemke share their insights on how to assess a renewable energy project pipeline in Germany from a regulatory/legal perspective. After a brief introduction to the German promotion system for electricity from renewable sources (EEG market premium scheme), they will elaborate on requirements for benefitting from this system (for wind and solar projects) with a particular view on the amendments in the framework established by the new EEG 2021.

In addition, experts from the power market advisory enervis will look into the question of what potential the German market has to offer for the acquisition of renewable energy projects. They will analyse the status quo and the long-term renewable energy targets for the German electricity system and explain how to assess the revenues from future renewable energy tenders (wind, PV, joint tenders) and the revenues from the electricity market and PPAs.


11.00 am CET / 10.00 am GMT – Welcome

11.10 am CET / 10.10 am GMT – What potential does the German Market has to offer for theAcquisition of Renewable Energy Projects?
Dr Nicolai Herrmann, Partner, enervis

11.50 am CET /10.50 am GMT – The Evaluation of a Renewable Energy Project Pipeline in Germany from a Regulatory/Legal Perspective
Dr Christine Bader, Partner, WFW
Dr Maximilian Boemke, Partner, WFW

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Event details

  • 17 February 2021
  • 11:00 – 12:30 CET / 10:00 – 11:30 GMT
  • Online webinar

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