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Risks & Responsibilities of Carrying Li-ion Batteries27 January 2022

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Event details

  • 27 January 2022
  • 10.00 - 11.15 GMT
  • Online webinar
Watson Farley & Williams hosted a panel discussion and would like to invite you to join our Webinar ‘It’s fire but not as we know it? – The Risks of Li-ion Batteries and other alternative fuel sources’.

Fire! Is a word any mariner fears. Understanding the potential fire risk from the ship or of any cargo is a priority in creating a safer environment and controlling risk. Any fire aboard is bad enough, but are some fires easier to extinguish than others? Batteries are proving to be notoriously difficult to extinguish. Land based fire responders are finding fires involving these alternative fuel sources a challenge which is only likely to be compounded when in a maritime setting.

With the race to move consumers away from diesel and petrol vehicles to cleaner, environmentally friendly alternatives, the carriage of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and with them Li-ion batteries is set to increase. Our panel of leading maritime experts will consider the issues that are likely to be faced when shipping EVs and discuss whether the lessons learned in adapting strategies employed to mitigate the risk need to be considered as vessel owners look for environmentally friendly alternatives for vessel propulsion.

The panel was moderated by WFW Maritime Disputes Partner, Mike Phillips, and feature:

  • Alexander Kleiman, M.Sc., Sr. Naval Architect & Marine Engineer, Manager of Maritime Project at the Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI) – Energy & Transport Department
  • Adrian Scales, Chartered Master Mariner (CMMar), FNI, HCMM, Member of the Lloyd’s SCR Panel and Director of Nautical at Brookes Bell
  • Anthony Walker, Claims Manager at Navium Marine
  • Jason Cummings, Cargo Handling Manager at UECC
  • David Handley, Of Counsel and Master Mariner at WFW
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Event details

  • 27 January 2022
  • 10.00 - 11.15 GMT
  • Online webinar