We are in the midst of an unprecedented time for the transportation sector.
Global travel restrictions, economic uncertainty and climate change pressures are at the forefront of decision making and future planning. While the problems seem numerous, there are a lot of opportunities to be optimistic about in the rail sector.
Over a series of two 60-minute webinars, WFW Partners from across Europe lead panel discussions with key figures in the rail industry. They provide an overview of the current commercial and legal insights, issues and updates that are relevant to your business.
Episode 2 – Private investment in rail – Tuesday, 10 November 10.30 am GMT [UK]
Introduction: Frederik Lorenzen, Partner, Assets & Structured Finance, WFW
Moderator: Louise Mor, Partner, Assets & Structured Finance, WFW
Camille Brunel, Partner, RIVE Private Investment
Juliette van Enckevort, Global Lead Land Transport, ING
Phillip Hyman, Managing Director, DC Advisory
Click here to see all episodes in our transport webinar series.