We will be co-hosting with Enervis a webinar on Renewable PPAs & French Power Market Outlook on Tuesday, 24 September 2019, from 3pm to 4pm CET.
Join us for this free webinar to learn more about the key elements of a new focus-study on renewable PPAs and French Power Market Outlook 2019 – 2050. France has just seen the first PPA closings for merchant PV and merchant wind and it has favourable conditions for a rapid growth of renewable capacity that will be realised both via tenders and also merchant investments. Where will this development lead in future and what needs to be considered when planning and investing in French renewable energy projects with PPAs or in tenders?
Our Paris partner, Laurent Battoue and European power market analyst Enervis have joined forces to answer these questions.
Please click here to register.
Please note that when you RSVP for this event, your details will be registered with Enervis Energy Advisors GmbH who are hosting this webinar.