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Encouraging the conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing27 October 2020

With 1 in 4 of us being affected by mental health issues at some point in our lives, being open and honest about our experiences is an important part of ending the stigma that can sometimes be associated with mental health in the workplace.

Our aim is to encourage an open dialogue on the importance of mental health and wellbeing and develop environments where our people feel encouraged to reach out for support when they need it.

A range of resources and support is available to all colleagues at WFW. This includes our International Employee Assistance programme, which can provide colleagues in all of our offices with access to trained counsellors, and firm-wide sessions covering topics such as “maintaining your mental resilience”. Partners have also been provided with guidance on how to support their team’s wellbeing, along with discussion led sessions to support our partners in identifying and addressing concerns.

Launched in 2018, our Mental Health Allies initiative provides a confidential route for all employees to discuss mental health issues with a trained listener. Ten colleagues, including partners, associates and business functions employees, have received Mental Health Allies training in our London office.

Our Mental Health Allies work closely with others across the firm to organise a series of events and activities that encourage a dialogue around the importance of Mental Health and wellbeing, which are open to all. We participate in Mental Health Awareness Week annually and support the Lord Mayor’s Green Ribbon campaign in our London office to end the stigma on mental health in the workplace. Activities this year included a global webinar with guest speaker Jonny Benjamin MBE.

In Athens, our Emotional Well-being Initiative provides group sessions and one-to-one support for colleagues, exploring areas including work related stress, maintaining resilience under pressure and dealing with challenging conversations.