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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 724 May 2021

The latest Commercial Disputes Weekly is now available, with a very significant decision on the power of the English courts to entertain claims foreign revenue claims, an interesting decision of the Privy Council on challenges to arbitration awards on the grounds of serious irregularity, as well as the latest guidance on the operation of the disclosure pilot in the B&PCs.

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Covid-19 Aviation Restructuring Report 2.029 April 2021

This updated edition explores how the market’s response has developed, the trends that have emerged and some significant changes to legislation in the UK and incorporates a valuable table comparing the key features of a UK scheme of arrangement, a UK restructuring plan and the US’s Chapter 11 rehabilitation procedure, as well as case studies on the restructurings of Virgin Atlantic Airways and Malaysian Airlines Berhad.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 7127 April 2021

This week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly features the latest from the Court of Appeal on limitation, together with a decision on the manner in which security for costs should be provided, and the relevant test for the implication of terms, plus a warning on the risk of parallel proceedings for the enforcement of judgments.

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