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UK Job Support Scheme2 October 2020

The UK’s furlough scheme ends on 31 October 2020. From 1 November 2020, the new Job Support Scheme will take effect and continue until the end of April 2021. In this article we summarise the main provisions of the scheme.

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Energy Insights Webinar Series – Lord Deben21 October 2020

Lord Deben is currently Chairman of the Committee on Climate Change (the CCC) and was the longest serving UK Secretary of State for the Environment. He set up and now runs Sancroft, a Corporate Responsibility consultancy working with blue-chip companies around the world on environmental, social and ethical issues.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 4529 September 2020

Find out how the English courts are applying the Bresco decision on adjudication and insolvency in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, along with a Court of Appeal decision on the meaning of “goodwill”, and comments from the Admiralty Registrar on procedure in Admiralty claims.

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