Future UK Energy Scenarios: What is each party promising?19 June 2024
What might the outcome of the UK general election mean for the country’s energy strategy, security and net zero ambitions?
What might the outcome of the UK general election mean for the country’s energy strategy, security and net zero ambitions?
In this article Ryland Ash and Jonathan Clarke highlight some potential issues that can arise when cross-claims are raised as a set-off defence in an adjudication.
In this edition of Commercial Disputes Weekly we consider decisions from courts at all levels dealing with issues relating to sanctions, arbitration enforcement, damages, leases and contract interpretation.
We advised Crédit Mutuel Impact and Atlante Gestion on their equity investment in SO TOWT to finance the construction of six new sailing cargo ships for TOWT TransOceanic Wind Transport, the pioneering French low-carbon shipping company.
If a state ratifies the Cape Town Convention, similar to other international treaties, it must have primacy over domestic law to achieve its objectives.
The decision has set a precedent requiring Convention states to assess the effectiveness of their legislative regimes to protect individuals who are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Read the 163rd edition of our weekly update on Italian labour law.
TORM is one of the world’s largest owners and operators of product tankers.
In this series of articles, we discuss the recent European Court of Human Rights case, Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland and other climate litigation across WFW’s key sectors of energy, infrastructure and transport.
Those following this series will have seen that there is a lot of activity across the globe in the EV charging infrastructure space.
The transaction also involves a non-binding term sheet to form a joint venture.
Valle di Nervion was built in South Korea in 2004.