Christian Orton
Counsel Tokyo
Christian is a Counsel in the Assets and Structured Finance group and part of the Projects, Energy and Infrastructure group.
Christian acts for clients in international project development and finance transactions, structured asset transactions and related acquisitions and restructuring and has advised on transactions across Asia Pacific, Europe, North America and Latin America.
Christian’s asset finance practice is focused on the aviation and maritime sectors where he represents corporate owners and investors, lessors, charterers and operators, financial institutions (including in conjunction with export credit agencies), in a range of complex structured financing, leasing, chartering and purchase and sale transactions.
In his project finance and delivery practice, Christian works closely with equity sponsors, financial institutions and other lenders on the procurement, financing and implementation of major projects. He is experienced working in energy and power projects (including renewables and energy transition).
A registered foreign lawyer (Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi) in Japan, Christian is licensed to practice law in England and Wales and Ontario (Canada) and has been working in the Tokyo market since 2018 before becoming a founding member of the Tokyo office of Watson Farley & Williams in 2022. Prior to joining WFW, he was a member of the energy, infrastructure, project and asset finance practice of an international US law firm in Tokyo and he has practiced project finance and delivery and asset finance in leading international firms in Canada.
- Advising Financial Partners Group Co., Ltd in the ECA-backed Japanese Operating Lease with Call Option (JOLCO) financing of 33 newbuild containership vessels for Seaspan Corporation and sub-chartered to leading international shipping companies.
- Advising BNP Paribas in connection with the JOLCO financing of five Airbus A321 Aircraft for VietJet, marking the first-ever transaction completed for any Vietnamese company.
- Advising multiple lessors in the LATAM Airlines chapter 11 process including negotiation and amendment to the leasing structure to convert from JOLCO to operating leases for assumption under the restructuring plan.
- An Asian based project sponsor in the establishment of a joint venture vehicle for the purpose of bidding on select Japan offshore wind auction bids and future development of projects.
- A European based project sponsor in the negotiation of a joint venture relationship and shareholder agreement for the purpose of bidding on and developing a specific Japan offshore wind auction site.
- 2012 · University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, cum laude, JD.
- 2010 · University of Sheffield, Social Science, School of East Asian Studies, MA.
- 2000 · Concordia University, Faculty of Arts & Science, Communications Studies, BA
memberships and associations
- Daini Tokyo Bar Association
- Law Society of Ontario
- Law Society of England
- American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
- Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan
- ArticlePowering Asia’s Future: Legal Insights on Energy Transition Trends for 2025
- ArticleJapan’s offshore wind ’Round 3’ auction results and proposed changes to the Operational Auction Guidelines
- ArticleJapan’s development of the offshore wind industry and maritime cabotage rules
- PressWFW advises ADB on US$80m LPBank financing package for Vietnamese WSME project
- EventTokyo Aviation Academy 2024
クリスティアンは、日本における外国法事務弁護士(原資格国 カナダ・オンタリオ州)であり、オンタリオ州(カナダ)と英国で資格を有しています。2018年から東京市場で活躍しており、2022年にWFW東京オフィスの設立メンバーとなりました。WFWに入所する前は、米国系国際法律事務所の東京オフィスでエネルギー、インフラストラクチャー、プロジェクトファイナンスおよびアセットファイナンスの実務に対応するチームのメンバーでした。また、カナダの大手国際企業で航空機ファイナンス、プロジェクトファイナンスおよびデリバリーに従事していました。
- Seaspan Corporation向けの新造コンテナ船33隻のECA(輸出信用機関)保証付、購入選択権付日本型オペレーティングリース(JOLCO)ファイナンシング、および大手国際海運会社へのサブチャーター案件において、Financial Partners Group Co., Ltdにアドバイスを提供
- ベトナム企業向けの史上初の取引となった、Vietjet向けエアバスA321航空機5機のJOLCOファイナンシングに関連してBNPパリバにアドバイスを提供
- リストラ計画を前提として、JOLCOからオペレーティングリースに転換するためのリーシングストラクチャーの交渉と修正を含む、LATAM航空の米連邦破産法第11章に基づく手続きにおいて、複数のリース会社にアドバイスを提供
- 特定の日本の洋上風力オークションの入札や今後のプロジェクト開発の入札を目的としたジョイントベンチャービークルの設立につき、アジアを拠点とするプロジェクトのスポンサーを代理
- 特定の日本の洋上風力オークションサイトの入札および開発を目的とした合弁関係および株主間契約の交渉につき、欧州を拠点とするプロジェクトのスポンサーを代理
- ArticlePowering Asia’s Future: Legal Insights on Energy Transition Trends for 2025
- ArticleJapan’s offshore wind ’Round 3’ auction results and proposed changes to the Operational Auction Guidelines
- ArticleJapan’s development of the offshore wind industry and maritime cabotage rules
- PressWFW advises ADB on US$80m LPBank financing package for Vietnamese WSME project
- EventTokyo Aviation Academy 2024