Eugenio is Head of the Italian Offices and a Partner in the Corporate Group.

Eugenio specialises in corporate law, including joint ventures, M&A and private equity, as well as acquisition and restructuring.

He has a particular focus on the energy sector, both renewable and conventional, as well as infrastructure where he regularly advises major corporations, private equity funds, and lenders on high-profile Italian and cross-border projects.

He is admitted to both the Italian and French Bars and to the Special Register of the Italian Supreme Court of the State – “Albo Speciale degli Avvocati Cassazionisti”.

Eugenio is recommended for his expertise by legal directories Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, Legal 500 EMEA, IFLR 1000 and Who’s Who Legal.

In 2024, he was recognised by Legalcommunity as “Lawyer of the Year” at the Energy Awards for being “one of the most experienced professionals in the field within Italy [….] for his depth and breadth of knowledge across the sector including renewables, oil and gas and energy efficiency”. He was also told that “key market players appreciated his strategic vision and innovative approach”.
In addition, Legalcommunity ranked Eugenio as “Elite” in M&A and Energy Efficiency, as “Excellent” in Oil and Gas and as “Market Leader” in Renewables and in the Energy & Infrastructures and sector.

In 2024, Legal 500 recognised him as “Leading Individual” in the Energy sector. Clients described him as “a brilliant lawyer with a significant knowledge of the energy sector. He is also highly skilled when it comes to client engagement. A trustworthy advisor, his exquisite personality matches his extensive knowledge and understanding of the energy sector”.
Eugenio was recognized as “Elite” lawyer in Energy & Infrastructures and “Best” lawyer in Transport law by MF – Milano Finanza. Best Lawyers recognised him for his expertise in the energy sector.

In addition to Italian, Eugenio speaks English, French and Spanish.

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  1. 1998 – 1999 · Attendance of the Preparatory School to the Paris Bar, Ecole, Centre Régional de Formation Professionnelle des Avocats – CRFPA
  2. 1998 – 1999 · LL.M. in European Business Law, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne
  3. 1997 – 1998 · LL.M. in International Tax Law, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome
  4. 1997 · Law Degree, with honours, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome
  5. 1995 · Erasmus Scholarship, French Civil Law, International Law, Macro/Micro Economics, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne

memberships and associations

  1. Qualified to practice in the Italian Supreme Court
  2. Qualified as Italian Lawyer
  3. International Nuclear Lawyers Association
  4. Law Society, United Kingdom – Entered into the Register of Foreign Lawyers
  5. International Lawyers Association

Eugenio è responsabile degli uffici italiani E Partner del Dipartimento Corporate.

Eugenio è specializzato in corporate ed M&A, joint venture, real estate, restructuring e private equity, in Italia e all’estero, in particolare nei settori energia, sia convenzionale che rinnovabile, ed infrastrutture.

Qualificato come avvocato in Italia e in Francia, Eugenio è anche Avvocato Cassazionista.

In aggiunta, Eugenio compare nelle prestigiose classifiche di Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, Legal 500 EMEA, IFLR 1000 e Who’s Who Legal.

Nel 2024, in occasione dei Legalcommunity Energy Award, Eugenio Tranchino è stato premiato come “Avvocato dell’Anno” per essere “tra i professionisti più esperti in Italia nella materia, avendo una conoscenza a tutto tondo che copre tutti settori della industry: dalle rinnovabili all’oil & gas passando per l’efficienza energetica” e perchè “segue costantemente noti operatori del mercato che apprezzano in particolare la sua visione strategica e l’approccio innovativo”.
Inoltre, Legalcommunity ha riconosciuto Eugenio come “Elite” in M&A ed Energy Efficiency, come “Excellent” in Oil e Gas e “Market Leader” in Renewables e nel settore Energy & Infrastructures.

Nel 2024, è stato menzionato da Legal 500 come “Leading Individaul” e i clienti hanno affermato che è “a brilliant lawyer with a significant knowledge of the energy sector. He is also highly skilled when it comes to client engagement. A trustworthy advisor, his exquisite personality matches his extensive knowledge and understanding of the energy sector”.
È stato classificato come “Elite” in Energy & Infrastructures e “Best” in Transport da MF – Milano Finanza. Inoltre, Best Lawyers lo ha riconosciuto per la sua expertise nel settore energy.

Oltre all’italiano, Eugenio parla inglese, francese e spagnolo.

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  1. 1998 – 1999 · Partecipazione al corso di formazione per la preparazione all’esame d’avvocato (Ecole Preparatoire à l’éxamen d’Avocat – EPEA) per l’iscrizione all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Parigi, Centro Regionale Formazione Professionale per gli Avvocati – CRFPA
  2. 1998 – 1999 · Master in “European Business Law, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne
  3. 1997 – 1998 · Master in Fiscalità Internazionale, presso Dipartimento Economia e Commercio, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
  4. 1997 · Laurea in Giurisprudenza, cum laude, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
  5. 1995 · Partecipazione al Programma Erasmus (Diritto civile francese, Diritto Internazionale, Micro e Macro Economia), Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne

Associazioni professionali

  1. Abilitato ad esercitare presso le giurisdizioni superiori
  2. Abilitato all’esercizio della professione forense
  3. International Nuclear Lawyers Association
  4. Law Society, Regno Unito – Ammissione al Registro dei Foreign Lawyers
  5. International Lawyers Association