Irene is an Associate in the Corporate and M&A Group.

Irene advises Italian and international companies in cross-border and domestic M&A transactions operating in different sectors: energy, infrastructure, healthcare, logistic and real estate.

She provides legal assistance, both to Italian and European clients, on issues related to corporate governance as well as commercial and operational aspects of the respective businesses.

In addition to Italian, Irene speaks English and has a good knowledge of Chinese, German and Spanish.

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  1. 2021 · Law Degree, LUISS Guido Carli University
  2. 2020 · Exchange Program, Beijing Normal University
  3. 2015 · Bachelor’s degree in Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, Università Ca’ Foscari

memberships and associations

  1. Qualified as Italian Lawyer

Irene è una Associate nel dipartimento Corporate and M&A.

Irene fornisce consulenza a società italiane e internazionali in operazioni di M&A transfrontaliere e nazionali che operano in diversi settori: energy, infrastrutture, healthcare, logistica e real estate.

Inoltre, assiste clienti italiani ed europei riguardo a tematiche relative alla corporate governance nonché ai profili commerciali e operativi dei rispettivi business.

Oltre all’italiano, Irene parla inglese e ha una buona conoscenza del cinese, tedesco e dello spagnolo.

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  1. 2021 · Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, Università LUISS Guido Carli
  2. 2020 · Programma di studio di un semestre, Beijing Normal University
  3. 2015 · Laurea triennale in Lingue, culture e società dell’Asia e dell’Africa Mediterranea, Università Ca’ Foscari


  1. Abilitata all’esercizio della professione