Matteo is a Counsel in the Finance Group.

Matteo has extensive experience in project financing, infrastructure and energy.

He advises major financial institutions and sponsors – both in Italy and abroad – on financing transactions for the construction and management of infrastructure (railways, subways, hospitals, harbours) and projects for the production of energy from renewable and traditional sources (wind, photovoltaic, hydroelectric, LNG, biogas, biomethane, gas storage), as well as acting for investors on project development, M&A and joint ventures transactions.

Matteo also has considerable expertise in trade, acquisition and real estate finance, commercial agreements (EPC, O&M, etc.), corporate law and energy markets (physical and financial).

In 2024 Matteo was ranked as “Rising Star” in the Energy sector and in Banking & Finance (Borrower and Arranger) by Legal500 EMEA.

In addition to Italian, Matteo speaks English.

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  1. 2009 – 2010 · LL.M. in International Commercial Law, University of London, with a dissertation on project finance “Financing a Nuclear Project in EU”
  2. 2008 · Center for American and International Law, Texas (US)
  3. 2006 · Law Degree, University of Parma

memberships and associations

  1. Qualified as Italian Lawyer

Matteo è Counsel del diparimento Finance.

Matteo è specializzato in project financing, infrastrutture ed energia.

Assiste abitualmente istituti finanziari e sponsor – in Italia e all’estero – nel finanziamento di operazioni per la realizzazione e gestione di infrastrutture (ferrovie, metropolitane, ospedali, porti) e di progetti per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili e tradizionali (eolico, fotovoltaico, idroelettrico, LNG, biogas, biometano, stoccaggio di gas), nonché investitori nella strutturazione di progetti, operazioni di acquisizione e di joint venture nel settore delle infrastrutture e delle energie.

Matteo ha, inoltre, esperienza in trade finance, acquisition finance, real estate finance, accordi commerciali (EPC, O&M, ecc.), diritto societario e mercati dell’energia.

Nel 2024 è stato riconosciuto come Rising Star nel settore Energy e in Banking & Finance (Borrower and Arranger) da Legal500 EMEA.

Oltre all’italiano, Matteo parla inglese.

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  1. 2009 – 2010 · LL.M. in International Commercial Law, University of London
  2. 2008 · Center for American and International Law, Texas (US)
  3. 2006 · Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, Università di Parma


  1. Abilitato all’esercizio della professione forense