WFW advises lenders on KfW-backed German long-term energy-from-waste plant financing
Upon completion the plant will be able to thermally treat up to 240,000 tons of public and commercial waste from the greater Wiesbaden area each year.
Upon completion the plant will be able to thermally treat up to 240,000 tons of public and commercial waste from the greater Wiesbaden area each year.
At WFW, Riko will play a leading role in developing infrastructure as a core sector for the firm.
For so many of us at Watson Farley & Williams, 4 April 2022 will remain in our memories as the day we lost a greatly loved and respected colleague, mentor and friend when our Singapore Partner Mehraab Nazir and his youngest son Zain tragically lost their lives in a landslide.
Watson Farley & Williams has advised the Asian Development Bank as lender on a US$135m financing package for VinFast Trading and Production Limited Liability Company to finance a project encompassing creating a fleet of fully electric buses for public transport, an electric vehicle charging network and other electric mobility expansion capex in Vietnam.
The electricity will be supplied by the 169 MWp Olmedilla and 155.2 MWp Sabinar I projects.
The decision is a noteworthy one, as it sets the benchmark for the competent authorities in cases concerning territorial continuity.
The large-scale Norfolk Boreas project is set to be one of the largest in the world and once complete.
The leases entered into, and security granted under, the two transactions are cross-collateralised.
The pledge commits its signatories to ensuring that solicitor apprentices will be treated in an equivalent manner as those from the traditional training contract route.
Tecnoservizi is an Italian company that operates in the mechanical treatment and recovery of recyclable urban waste.