WFW advises Greenalia on 183 MW PPA with Alcoa
Under the PPA, the power supply is expected to commence in 2024 and run until the end of 2033.
Under the PPA, the power supply is expected to commence in 2024 and run until the end of 2033.
WFW advised Vortex on all due diligence related matters, including real estate, employment, competition and tax matters.
The Golar Tundra will contribute circa 6.5% of Italy’s gas needs, bringing the Italian regasification capacity to more than 25% of demand.
Founded as a spin-off of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2009, Rigenerand is a pioneering company in the field of advanced stem cell-based cancer therapies.
All five vessels will fly the Italian flag and operate in the oil, product, chemical tanker and bulker segments.
The Combination will be implemented by way of a court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement between SDX and its shareholders, with the former’s entire share capital being acquired by Tenaz.
The combined transport platform will manage shipping and transport investments across the capital structure and will have assets under management and capital commitments of more than US$4bn.
Sarah is one of very few practitioners in the UK with experience across the spectrum of ESG disputes, including crisis management and risk mitigation, with a focus on business and human rights.
With this acquisition, enercity doubles its total wind power capacity to 712 MW and becomes one of the largest players in German onshore wind.
The financing will allow Railpool to both refinance part of its existing debt and finance new build rolling stock as well as working capital.