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Repeated success for WFW in Q1 2020 Energy & Infrastructure league tables27 April 2020

The firm attained eight top ten rankings in IJGlobal, including moving into the top spot for Renewables Infrastructure Finance and gaining three new rankings since Q1 2019, in Asia-Pacific Infrastructure Finance, Asia-Pacific Project Finance and Power Project Finance.

The firm also achieved fourteen top five rankings in Inframation and SparkSpread’s Q1 2020 League Table and Trend Report (Project Finance):

1st by deal count – All sectors Europe
1st by deal count – All sectors EU
1st by deal count – All sectors France
1st by deal count – All sectors Spain
1st by deal count – All sectors EMEA
1st by deal count – Europe Renewables
2nd by deal count – Global Renewables
2nd by deal count – All sectors Middle East & Africa
2nd by deal count – Europe Power
3rd by deal value – Asia Renewables
3rd by deal count – Asia Renewables
4th by deal count – All sectors Global
4th by deal value – All sectors All Asia

Global Energy Group Co-Head Henry Stewart commented: “These superb rankings illustrates the breadth of our offering in the energy and infrastructure markets, building on our already world-renowned renewables expertise, to provide leading advice in project finance and conventional power sectors as well”.

Fellow Global Energy Co-Head Malte Jordan concurred, adding: “To be ranked in first place by deal count in multiple key jurisdictions across Europe, and also be recognised for the high value work we are doing in Asia is fantastic”.


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