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WFW Athens Partner George Paleokrassas speaks on panel at Capital Link Greek Shipping Forum16 February 2017

WFW Athens Asset Finance Partner George Paleokrassas moderated a panel discussion on the subject of ‘Regulatory Developments & Geopolitical Factors Affecting Shipping’ at the 8th Annual Capital Link Greek Shipping Forum, held in Athens on 15 February 2017. His fellow panellists  were  also leading figures from the shipping sector including Clay Maitland (Managing Partner of International Registries, Founding Chairman of NAMEPA and Chairman of NYMAR), Anastasios Papagiannopoulos (President Designate of BIMCO and President of Common Progress Company), John Platsidakis (Chairman of INTERCARGO and Managing Director of Anangel Maritime Services Inc) and Nikos Tsakos (Chairman of INTERTANKO and President & CEO of Tsakos Energy Navigation).

Capital Link provides investor relations services to an extensive range of corporations worldwide. The Forum was attended by shipping owning groups, investments banks, PE funds, businessmen, and other parties that are active or looking to invest in the shipping sector.


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