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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 123

When looking at the enforceability of certain contractual provisions, the cases in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly consider a raft of other engaging topics, including state immunity from injunctions and when it is not legitimate to restrain trade.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 121

In Commercial Disputes Weekly we look at the first decision on what is a “construction contract” since adjudication was introduced in 1998, in which Watson Farley & Williams acted for the successful appellant before the Court of Appeal.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 120

The spate of adjudication decisions continues with two more cases dealing with enforcement and the binding nature of such decisions. We also discuss a Court of Appeal decision on the applicable law and jurisdiction in a tower of insurance policies and a question of procedural law in arbitration.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 114

This week we consider the impact of an arbitration award on limitation defences and whether planning status should be considered in freehold valuation. We also look at when the court may hand down judgment even after the parties have settled and the ongoing impact of sanctions on dispute resolution.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 112

A financial flavour to this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly with a look at Events of Default under a loan facility and a decision on the requisite knowledge for a financial services offence. We also cover a judgment that adds to the developing case law in relation to digital currency and another confirming the importance of enforcement of arbitration awards.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 110

Commodities disputes have kept the courts busy this week and allowed the first reported decision on the implied term that insurers will pay claims within a reasonable period. Commercial Disputes Weekly also looks at a Supreme Court decision on the Housing Act 1985 and a case of enforcement of personal guarantees.

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