commercial disputes weekly

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 69

In our latest Commercial Disputes Weekly, find out when the legal costs principle will apply in shareholder disputes, what happens if a buyer makes an invalid nomination under an FOB contract, and whether the court will grant an adjournment if counsel withdraw from the case.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 68

In this week’s round up find out when relief will be available for payment of an undisclosed commission, the latest on the interpretation of exclusion clauses, and what happens where a privileged document is inadvertently disclosed.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 67

Decisions arising out of s69 appeals from maritime arbitration awards dominate this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, covering issues relating to the construction of a hire clause, the proviso to an off-hire provision, the implication of terms into guarantees and the availability of damages for breach of an equitable obligation to arbitrate.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 66

This week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly contains a quartet of cases from the Court of Appeal covering issues on limitation periods, conflicting dispute resolution provisions and stays in favour of arbitration, as well as a decision on an application to remove an arbitrator in a dispute between Newcastle United and the Premier League.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 63

Two Supreme Court judgments are covered in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly – one on the application of the 1972 Collision Regulations, and the other concerning jurisdiction challenges. Plus the outcomes of two challenges under the Arbitration Act 1996, and an anti-anti-suit injunction!

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 61

This week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly includes a trio of cases involving issues arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic, including arguments on frustration and change of law clauses, and consideration of whether an affidavit can be sworn remotely. Plus cases on disclosure, Part 36 and abuse of process to get your teeth into!

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 60

Check out this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly for the latest from the English courts, from guidance on costs budgeting in high value cases, to the importance of properly pleading allegations of fraud and a decision on whether a draft bill of lading contains a representation by the shipper as to the condition of cargo.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 59

Find out what the Supreme Court had to say on the FCA’s business interruption test case in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, as well as Court of Appeal decisions on without prejudice privilege, whether an expert owes fiduciary duties to their client, and when a claim will be struck out as an abuse of process.

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