commercial disputes weekly

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 58

Find out what the Supreme Court had to say on the FCA’s business interruption test case in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, as well as Court of Appeal decisions on without prejudice privilege, whether an expert owes fiduciary duties to their client, and when a claim will be struck out as an abuse of process.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 57

There are lots of cases to get your teeth into in our first Commercial Disputes Weekly of 2021, from decisions on asymmetric jurisdiction clauses and the costs implications of abandoning a claim, to the latest guidance on the Disclosure Review Pilot and the application of rules on challenging jurisdiction to stakeholder claims.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 56

In the last of this year’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, discover the meaning of arbitration, what the Court of Appeal thinks about redundancy arguments when construing contracts, and when the English courts will restrain payment under a performance guarantee. With very best wishes to all our readers, we’ll be back in 2021!

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 55

Many of the cases in this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly share a common theme – the importance of the principle of finality. Look out for decisions on enforcement of foreign judgments, the knowledge requirements for contempt and the approach to summary assessment of costs.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 54

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly an important Supreme Court case on arbitrators’ duties to give disclosure of appointments in multiple arbitrators, as well as a pair of cases involving fine art.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 53

Does Covid-19 constitute a force majeure event? Will the English courts allow parties outside the jurisdiction to attend a remote hearing? When can documents obtained from a Norwich Pharmacal application be used? Find out the answers to these questions and more in the latest Commercial Disputes Weekly.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 52

What law governs the award of interest on damages, how do you determine the correct counterfactual when assessing damages for breach of contract, and when will the English court make an anonymity order? Find out the answers to all these questions and more in the latest Commercial Disputes Weekly.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 51

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly find out what the Supreme Court had to say on the application of the new policy-based approach to the illegality defence, plus an unusual anti-suit injunction case, Court of Appeal decisions on Part 36 offers and service, and the latest in litigation concerning the hit song “Shape of You”.

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Commercial Disputes Weekly – Issue 49

In this week’s Commercial Disputes Weekly, find out the latest on amendments to costs budgets, when a party can be joined to existing proceedings, and why the Court of Appeal described an application as being “redolent with illegitimate collateral purposes, subterfuge and manifest unfairness”.

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