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Snacks: Digestible Weekly Labour News – Issue 12124 August 2023


"The payment of the rental for the employees’ flat must be included in the overall gross remuneration to be used to calculate the indemnity for unlawful dismissal."

In this edition of our bitesize weekly Italian employment update, “Snacks”, our team looks at the following recent cases and notices:
  • tax profiles for smart-working and tax regulations applicable to cross-border commuters;
  • consistent and generalised non-absorption of “super-minimum” is a business practice;
  • null and void probationary covenant leads to invalidity of a dismissal;
  • employee’s assignment to inferior duties and unlawful dismissal;
  • tax deductions on undue sums are not to be returned by employee; and
  • Inail may file action against all entities responsible for a work accident.