Partner Milan
"The employer may refuse the transfer requested by disabled employees only with lack of feasible organisational solutions."
In this edition of Snacks, our bitesize weekly Italian employment law update, we look at the following recent cases and notices:
- third edition of the New Skills Fund activated;
- Privacy Authority challenges digital platforms for performance rating of delivery riders;
- withdrawal for cause from sports collaboration contract and right to criticise;
- transfer of the disabled employee and reasonable organisational solutions;
- reinstatement for failure to meet the burden of proof in respect of repêchage;
- qualifying criteria for ‘mobbing’ within employment relationships;
- lawful dismissal for arbitrary use of paid union leave;
- ministerial intervention on the Information System for Social Inclusion; and
- dismissal due to reduction of vacant positions and non-application of selection criteria.
If you would like to receive further details on any of the above points, please get in touch with our Italy employment team.
Key contacts
Partner Milan
Counsel Milan