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WFW advises on the creation of Terres d’Energie Développement2 June 2023

Watson Farley & Williams (“WFW”) has advised Terres d’Energie Développement (TED) on the setting-up of a brand new partnership between French developer Tenergie and Banque des Territoires, a branch of Caisse des Dépôts supporting ecological and energy transition.

Terres d’Energie Développement is a platform dedicated to the development of solar and wind projects in France, aiming to develop 200 MW annually to help achieve national renewable energy targets.

The WFW Paris team that advised Terres d’Energie Développement was led by Corporate Partner Arnaud Félix, supported by Associates Lucile Mazoué and Domitille Cabaud. Partner Romain Girtanner, Counsel Hélène Ibos and Associate Maximilian Cristescu assisted on the tax aspects while Partner Laurent Battoue and Counsel Antoine Bois-Minot, provided advice on the regulatory aspects of the transaction.


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